Welcome to 2021
We here at Cheshire Cycles would like to thank all of our customers new and old for their business and support over the last few years.
As we venture into the new year we have outlined our plan’s for the next phase of our business and we have generated this page to keep you upto date.
We have included an invitation to the launch, special deals and a questionnaire to help us better understand the needs and desires of our customer base with the chance to win some Awesome Prizes!
New Store!
We are super excited to open up a brand-new Bike and accessorie showroom from March 2021.
Located next to the workshop we are pleased to announce we have Genesis, Ridgeback and Forme bikes on board with us for this next year.
As Bike’s have become very difficult to get hold we are accepting forward order’s for a discounted rate – something that is very uncommon in the world of difficult bike supply.
If you are interested in any new bike we strongly recommend getting in touch early and we can provide you a special price with an estimated build date – drop us a direct email below or call the workshop on 01925594633
https://www.genesisbikes.co.uk/ https://www.ridgeback.co.uk/ https://formebikes.co.uk/

Advanced Epos/Workshop System
To help with the growth we have brought in the guys at CitrusLime to manage the new store, workshop and the marketing of our products/services.
With such a powerful tool we will have more control and better turnaround on things like new products and repairs.
New services like click and collect are also being brought in to strengthen our retail business plus Club Discounts and group bookings will be better managed.
Staff Increase
A very exciting time for our team as we have new staff plus a shift in the roles within.
Mike C – Store Manager
Mike will be overseeing the running of the business day to day and focusing on the store including new bikes and components.
Mike is CyTech Certified
Dave C – Workshop Manager
Dave has continued to impress and now holds the workshop manager position overseeing the repairs day to day.
Dave is CyTech Certified
Ash H – Mechanic
Ash has joined us in September 2020 and has proven a great addition to the team offering full support to Dave in the workshop catering for all repairs.
Dan C – Mechanic
Dan has worked for us on a part time basis for many years and strengthens the team with great experience and knowledge.
Dan is CyTech Certified
New Position! – Part time mechanic!!
From March 2021 we will be looking to bring in another part time mechanic to assist the workshop and store.
Minimum of 3 days a week including Saturdays, the role includes stripping bikes, cleaning, assisting the workshop and retail, social media/web assistant.
Training is provided
David J – Corporate Manager
David joins us in a new role to develop and manage our corporate service including Dr Bike & fleet servicing.
David is CyTech Certified
We launch our January Sale on the 4th Jan at 9am this year with some incredible deals!
Take a sneak peek here – https://www.instagram.com/p/CJlzELVhOfI/
The Official Launch for the new showroom will be Early March 2021, please drop us an email registering your interest and we will add you to the invite list – info@cheshirecycles.co.uk
Finally, we conclude with a big thanks and a survey to better understand the needs and desires of our fantastic customers.
Every survey completed will be entered into a draw for a Free £55 service PLUS £100 of free goodies!!
Click the below survey to find out more!
A Big thanks from Mike and the team!